

When choosing a mask for your child, you should consider below points

  1. Purchase through regular channels. Parents should buy children's masks through regular channels, and not buy Sanwu products. Focus on whether there are current and effective implementation standards marked on the product packaging or manual of the mask. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the limited-use date, production date and expiration date, and do not buy expired products.

  2. Check appearance. The appearance of the mask should be neat and intact, and the surface must not be damaged, stained, deformed, burred or other obvious defects, and there should be no accessible sharp angles and sharp edges.

  3. Smell the smell. The masks should be free of peculiar smells, and be cautious about buying children ’s masks with peculiar smells, aromatic smells, etc.

  4. 簡単に脱着できるはずです。子供用のマスクは、簡単に着脱でき、耳掛け式のデザインを採用する必要があります。マスクバンドには自由端がなく、マスクのメイン構造に取り外し可能な小さなパーツがあってはなりません。マスクを着用したときに、頭の動きにほとんど影響を与えない、圧迫感や圧痛の明らかな感じがあってはなりません。

最新の価格を取得しますか? できるだけ早く返信します(12時間以内)
